Air purifier for AC: A smart choice for your home

All homeowners aim to keep their houses as clean as possible, especially in given times. Surfaces however are always considered to be cleaned thoroughly, but when it comes to air many of us do not really consider it as important. 

Know more: uv c light sanitizer

Do you know according to EPA, indoor air is 5-10 times more polluted than outdoor air. If you live in an urban area or anywhere else where the atmosphere is polluted, you should take the necessary measures to ensure the air you and your family breathe is safe and healthy. Otherwise, your exposure to these pollutants could lead to allergic reactions and other health problems. 

Turn Your AC Into An Air Purifier: UV light for air conditioner

Many households are opting for Air purifier for AC such as UV light for air conditioners. Magneto CleanTech brings a futuristic technology that can turn your AC into an air purifier. This UV light disinfection home technology is a way to ensure your indoor air is safe and healthy. 

Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) is a proven air purification technology that

disinfects the air by emitting UV-C rays at a wavelength of 253.7 nm. These rays kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi by disrupting the DNA of micro-organisms, preventing them from reproducing, and thereby killing them. The application of UVGI for air disinfection has been recommended by ASHRAE for airborne infection protection.

Know more: uv light sterilizer

Why choose a UV light for air conditioners and turn it into an air purifier?

1# Problem of airborne infections

 As we know, SARS-CoV-2 which causes Covid-19 disease is an airborne virus. It can remain suspended in the air for multiple hours and can easily infect the person who passes by from there.  With UV’s germicidal capabilities the air can be easily disinfected of any kind of harmful microbes. 

2# Problem of indoor air pollution

Air purifiers are a great way to keep the air in your home clean and sanitized from indoor air pollution. It can remove harmful pollutants, gases, mold, bacteria, odor, dust, and other air contaminants to keep your house safe from the threat of diseases that indoor air pollution causes.  

Magneto for “Virus and Pollution Free” Air

Magneto CleanTech brings you a unique futuristic technology for UV disinfection for the home “Magneto Central Air Cleaner”. Protecting you and your loved ones from deadly viruses and PM 2.5. Magneto Central Air Cleaner is an accessory for old or new ACs which turns them into air purifiers for AC and inactivates coronavirus with over 99% efficiency! 

Know more: uv germicidal lamp

Magneto® offers a range of UVGI air sanitization solutions that eliminate coronavirus, bacteria, and all other micro-organisms from the indoor air by disrupting its DNA. The patented central air cleaning technology meets the CDC advisory to battle the current pandemic. Magneto Central Air Cleaner is now available co-powered by UVGI for split and cassette ACs – the ultimate protection against airborne transmission of coronavirus.

Know more: uvc germicidal lamp

If you are looking for a solution to protect your loved ones and make your home safe and secure magneto can help you do so. Reach out to us at for more.


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